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Quality & safety is our culture

Denise specialised in Burns and Plastic Reconstructive Surgery with over 20 years experience working in the largest NHS Unit in the Northwest. Alongside eminent Plastic Surgeons, she developed in-depth knowledge in highly complex procedures and research, not just non-surgical techniques but all aspects of Plastic Surgery.

This places Denise in the unique position to other Aesthetic Practitioners, as she is able to provide rigorous informed consent and ethical professionalism to clients.

Denise Crookes 

Advanced Medical Aesthetics Practitioner
Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) PIN: 87F1029E


Initially training as a registered nurse in 1990, followed by a BSc (Hons) in a Plastic Surgery based Nursing Degree at Manchester University 2006. Denise then went on to study at master level and in 2008 became a fully registered, Independent Prescriber. She developed her non-surgical aesthetic skills at the highly accredited course lead by Adrian Richards FRCS, Plastic Surgeon in London.

In 2012 due to her specialist knowledge of the skin and wound management she worked as a Senior Specialist Nurse in Tissue Viability providing clinical expertise, education, research and strategies for an integrated service both community and hospital patients in South Manchester. This comprehensive knowledge of the skin and maintaining its integrity is yet another reason to choose DCCOSMETICS for Rejuvenation Therapies, Botox, Dermal Fillers, and Anti-Wrinkle treatments.

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